Ormr Ironheel's Imperial Strike Force
“Personal log of Ormr Ironheel in the year of Vrassax 18731: the Empire has conscripted my Task Force to be the first to venture into a realm known as These Young Kingdoms to search out a millennia-old enclave of Elves near the end of their civilization’s time. They are cruel and powerful sorcerors, and far surpass even the Empire in dealing with parallel and skewed cosmi. We are emissaries to this world, but everyone knows how the Empire works: once the paths of trade are open, its allies become occupied. We have been collecting strange relics to enter their Dreaming City (the keys of Rilinkrena) for an Elf-ish albino man and his red haired companion, traveling under the names Morellin and Glumenar, who turned out be exiled kings-turned-mercenaries. We fled battling our employers, at the behest of Slayerspud Kartoffel and Theo the Wonder Guard, who wished only to preserve the Empire’s presence in the Young Kingdoms. Now as we float through the moonbeam roads of the Multiverse and Sorfinde’s Uninterruptable Quill scratches out my thoughts beside me, I find myself missing Sahn Daskaar. But moreover, I wonder how I haven’t vomited up that 3 loaves of bread, cheese, and lamb (yes loaf of lamb) due to my motion sickness while writing. Oh here we go ag-BLUHGHHHGh.”
Ormr Ironheel's Imperial Task Force
Ormr Ironheel
Ormr Ironheel, of the Clan of the Leaping Spears: A devotee of the Dwarven god Vrassax, out on a pilgrimage from his home mountain to work for the Empire and find his fortune, as well as master the art of the dragoon. Good-naturedly competitive and ever leaping toward his goals (which mainly consist of “food, more jumping, and more food”), Ormr is always focused on dealing the wisdom and justice of Vrassax. He primarily joined the Empire’s Task Force Program in order to find other leaping creatures to challenge and defeat, while earning some good old-fashioned gold in the process. He considers it only a stop on his pilgrimage, which with the travel of planes has brought some interesting new prospects.
Owen Dromeos
Owen Dromeos: A Human Druid with an affinity for large reptilian creatures of a time long past. He joined the Imperial Task Force Program with the hopes of finding and breeding more dinos, to bring their intelligent, loyal, ferocity into our present day. Flanked by his dromiceiomimus companion, the old Human brings a somewhat antiquated sense of wisdom and perspective to this party of overeager adventurers.
Ozzrick Oddfellow
Ozzrick Oddfellow: The Gnomiest Albignome you ever did gnome. Armed with his deadly poisoned longsword and an encyclopedic knowledge that surpasses most who spent their life in towers studying dusty tomes. He and Kalindir signed up with the Empire’s Morale Brigade in order to hone their act and gain the ever-widening perspective true performers crave. You will never meet a Gnome who so well fits every description of Gnome.
Portia Fireleaf
Portia Fireleaf: A Halfling corsair known for her skills at the helm, as well as at the bottle. A ruthless pirate with a heart of gold, who swung in to save our party from an ambush of vicious lake-cats. What she attached the rope to is unclear, but the Task Force was grateful anyway, enough to ask her to join them on a quest for riches, discovery, and adventure. That coupled with a bottle of Dwarven grog was enticement enough for any swashbuckler.
Felicia Catermain
Felicia Catermain: A Half-Feline Ranger who senses and hunts down the more sinister cousins of her species. Prone to violent mood swings and bouts of lazing in the sun, Felicia is an indispensible tracker and marksman. She joined the Empire Task Force Program as a mercenary looking for thrill and payment, and to show that she’s the top cat out there.
Ser Kallandriel Alastarthe
Ser Kallandriel Alastarthe: An ancient Star-Elf spellknight the party found encased in crystal on one of their previous travels. He is joined by his faithful steed Vornorroch, of the Star Pastures. Prior to being encased in crystal, they were ancient Imperial Knights serving in a techno-magical enhancement program tasked with searching out the fabled Hungering End. While exploring a demiplane containing little more than a desolate purple sea and a crystal tower, he and Vornorroch were either tricked into the crystal pods, or thought they were some sort of fantastical bed.
Kalindir Celebnaur
Kalindir Celebnaur, a silver dragon-blooded Elf Bard with a silver violin and scales to match. This high-minded musician often follows the lead of Ozzrick’s guitar and takes their music to new heights with the aid of their synchronized magics, creating gorgeous displays worthy of crossplanar attention. Kalindir’s lineage is a mystery even to them, so they hopes that perhaps a potential patron could help them fund such an endeavor. However, they and Ozzrick appear to have only attracted beings whose bargain would cost much more than its face value.
Wank de Winky-Wonk SkiddamarinkydinkydinkskiddamarinkydooIloveyou-Smith
Wank de Winky-Wonk SkiddamarinkydinkydinkskiddamarinkydooIloveyou-Smith: A winged Halfling who flew in to save the day with Portia, after the Task Force teleported thousands of miles from their mission in the Kingdoms in order to dig deeper on their bosses. It’s unclear whether Wank and Portia are native to that elsewhere-country they met the Task Force in, travellers, or an all-too-convenient Imperial reinforcement with an all-too-convenient string of aliases.