Episode 21: The Seas of Madness

Scene 1: Recap

Rhomande: Well, my beloved audience, quite a lot has happened since our last episode.  Most gossipfully, Thrimlach ceatharan looks simply dreadful in that plantain-hammock he insists on wearing whilst “swimming”.  I’d simply say he was swimming, but his skin never touches the water, while he visits the beaches of Penguidise Island.  He simply gathers four or five alconuts, yanks off Sir Gnome’s left femur, casts Lenanien’s Floatation Device, and hovers about three-fingers’ breadth above the waves, fast asleep.  Luckily, the plane’s small enough that if he drifts too far out to sea, he just ends up on the far side of Penguidise.  Oh.  And we started telling the story of a nameless adventuring party that’s led by a Dwarf.  Ugh.  Well, I’m not going to talk any more about Dwarves than I’m contractually obligated, so I’ve hired the Chip Dipson Memorial Action Town Criers, live from Sahn Daskaaar, to do the job for me!  What’s the news, Hera?


((Music: Ben Briggs – Star Clash Theme))


Hera: Thank you, Rhomande.  Our top story tonight comes from the Imperial Exploration and Task Service.  A Task Force led by one Ormr Ironheel of the Clan of the Leaping Spears has made contact with a plane that rivals The Empire for its marvels of engineering and architecture.  Here’s our own Peldra Kassin with more.


Peldra: Thank you, Hera.  Ironheel’s Task Force was originally dispatched to contact, befriend, explore, and report on a plane that commonly refers to itself as These Young Kingdoms.  Their first significant contact on the plane hired them to find seven artifacts, known as the Keys of Rilinkrena.  The collection and redemption of these keys will allow the Task Force entry to a long-isolated island of austere and violent Elves, whom the Empire has been courting for almost two centuries, now.  However, the party hit a little bit of a snag with their employer.  We’ve got a sound-bite.


((sfx: click))


Ormr: The short, red-headed Glumenar fellow didn’t seem too bad when he hired us, but when we handed over the key to that demonic-looking, red-eyed, white-haired elf, I wasn’t quite so sure it was the right thing to do.


Hera: How did you get that clip, Peldra?  I know the Imperial Task Forces are supposed to turn in regular reports, but nobody’s that comprehensive.  Not even we, the Action Town Criers!


Peldra: Well, Hera, about seven months ago, a spokeself from the Uiadhwanja Thoughtscape Monitoring Bureau disclosed that they had discovered an unfamiliar signal from unknown origin.  It seemed to cut across planes, which shouldn’t actually be possible, according to the experts.  This individual’s connection to the Thoughtscape seems to be highly amplified by either magical or technological enhancements, so it literally allows the Imperial Thought Monitors to watch events in real time through this individual’s eyes.  


Hera: Thank the gods this person is working with the Empire, then!  Such spycraft could be devastating in the wrong hands.  It’s time for a word from our sponsors, but when we come back, we’ll go to Engar Flamehand for this week’s Health Tips for the Lazy and the Compulsive.  


Rhomande: Lords and ladies of my beloved audience, please do recline upon your gilded seats, quaff your libations, and adjust your listening devices that you may optimally enjoy your evening at The 20-Sided Theatre.

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